Teamsters 2010 Ensures UCLA Workers’ Access to Time Off Pay for Fire-Related Absences

We hope all of our UCLA workers are safe from the Getty fire! If you miss work due to the fire and related road closures, specifically ask your supervisor for “PAID Administrative Time Off (ATO) due to the fire.” Catastrophic leave may be available for workers who experience property loss due to the fire.

At the onset of the Saddleridge fire in early October, Teamsters 2010 Principal Officer Jason Rabinowitz contacted UCLA administration about allowing paid time off as they had in 2018: “Teamsters 2010 proposes that this again be the practice for the 2019-2020 fire season and that employees impacted by the current fire be allowed two days of administrative leave with pay or time as needed.”

Below is the response by UCLA Human Resources:

If you have problems accessing paid administrative leave, contact your Union Representative.

