CSU Skilled Trades Bargaining Team: Our team brought in enlarged versions of the letters from Gov. Newsom and Lt. Gov. Kounalakis, both of which urge the CSU to agree to implement salary steps for Skilled Trades workers in their new collective bargaining agreement.
Teamsters Economist to Testify: CSU Can Afford Skilled Trades Step Increases
Our Teamsters Local 2010 Bargaining Team meet with CSU administration today and tomorrow to begin economic discussions. International Brotherhood of Teamsters Economist James “Jim” Kimball, Ph.D. will accompany our team to testify on how the CSU budget can accommodate step raises and fair wages for skilled trades workers at all campuses.
During his 14-year tenure as Chief Economist for the Teamsters, Dr. Kimball has reviewed approximately 1,000 public budgets and is an expert in governmental finances. He has written a primer on how the lay person should read a county or city budget and testified at many arbitrations and mediations.
“The State audit states 84% of the CSU surplus was from tuition – that’s not one-time funding, it’s ongoing and more than enough to implement step increases for Local 2010 members.”
— Chief Economist James Kimball, Ph.D.
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
“Dr. Kimball’s testimony will show that CSU has billions in surplus and can well afford to pay workers fairly.”
— Jason Rabinowitz, Secrertary-Treasurer, Teamsters Local 2010
Our Bargaining Team met all day Wednesday to determine the articles they intend to present during this two-day session.
“The battle for our salary steps has been going on for years and it’s very encouraging to be a part of the Teamsters. We’re glad to have assistance from the IBT economist to right our salary inequities. Along with the letter from Gov. Newsom and now Lt. Governor Kounalakis, we have a lot going for us.”
— Drew Scott, Skilled Trades Director, Teamsters Local 2010
Click here to read the Jan. 8 letter from Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis.