Happy Administrative Professionals Day!
Especially in these challenging times, UC clerical workers shine
Greetings Teamsters,
Happy Administrative Professionals Day to the hard-working Teamsters of the CX-Unit! Thank you for your endless dedication to the University of California, its students, patients, faculty and all the communities we serve!
During the COVID-19 crisis, Teamsters at the UC have shown the true depth of their resiliency, adaptability, commitment and strength. Our essential Teamster workers are keeping the UC moving and serving students, patients and our communities. We are proud to work with such honorable and dedicated people.
Now more than ever, when our safety and livelihood are on the line, it is important to stand together in our Union to ensure that workers are treated fairly through this crisis.
Day in and day out, our work makes the University of California work. Whether it’s scheduling patients, preparing research, coordinating events, supporting students and faculty, keeping our campuses safe, caring for children, collecting millions in bills and donations, or countless other responsibilities, our day-to-day work allows the University to grow and succeed at its educational mission.
In Teamsters Local 2010, we stand together to make sure that the University treats us fairly and pays us properly for the work that we do. We stand for good jobs in our communities and fair treatment for all working people. We stand for safety and respect for all workers, especially during this challenging time.
Together we continue to build a powerhouse Union for people working in higher education throughout California. We have taken action by the thousands, showing our strength and winning contracts with substantial raises and protections. During these coronavirus safer-at-home orders, we have protected our health and safety, our pay and our jobs. In the face of unprecedented challenges, Teamsters are standing strong and standing together.
Thank you for everything you do. Let’s continue to build member power and stand together as Teamsters for the challenges ahead. The best way to be successful at that is by becoming involved in the Union and making sure you and your colleagues are all full voting Teamster members.