Teamsters Negotiate 3% Raise for UCD Skilled Trades Workers!

Teamsters Negotiate 3% Raise to be Implemented Soon for Davis Skilled Trades Workers!

As the year comes to an end, our Teamsters Skilled Trades (K3 Unit) Bargaining Team continues to work hard negotiating the strongest possible contract for all of us. Currently we have Tentative Agreements on these articles, as well as a signed side letter giving us all a 3% salary increase!

  • Probationary Period
  • Joint Heath and Safety Committee
  • Waiver
  • Severability
  • Travel Reimbursement

The University agreed to our team’s proposal for a 3% increase to mirror what unrepresented workers received a few months back. The increase is retroactive to June 27, 2021. Each eligible employee’s salary will be increased three percent (3%) when they are within the assigned salary range (i.e., not over maximum). The increase shall not change eligible employees current step; the steps will increase by 3%.

We are currently waiting on responses to more than 25 proposals that were submitted to the University.

We urge all K3 workers to stand united and support us in our negotiations with UC Davis. If you have not yet become a member, please reach out to our Union Rep or one of us to fill out a membership application.

As bargaining continues and we get closer to economic proposals, we will be calling on members to take action, whether that’s handing out flyers to the campus community or wearing a sticker to support our Team on bargaining days. We have to be ready to increase pressure in order for the University to understand we mean business.


In Solidarity,

Teamsters 2010 Skilled Trades (K3 Unit) Bargaining Team members:

Ryan Burgess, H.V. Electrician

Andre Cooks, Operator

Doreen Dodds, Plumber

Russ Ewing, Mechanic

Robert Hale Sr., Mechanic

Adam Nesteruk, Carpenter

Lewis Vincent, Electrician

Gabriel Waterman, Painter
