Local 2010 recommends a YES on salary increases, better pay ranges, and more!
With the support of our AO2 members and friends, our Administrative Officer 2 (AO2) Teamsters Bargaining Team held the line on improved salary ranges and step increases for AO2s across the State and have come to a Tentative Agreement with the University of California! After more than a year of negotiations and 21 bargaining sessions, we are pleased to recommend a YES vote by members on the agreement which includes:
- 3% Across the board pay increase received July 1, 2021
- New Union-negotiated pay ranges including pay steps for each location, effective January 1, 2022.
- Workers will be placed at the step closest to, but not less than, their current pay.
- All AO2s will receive an additional 1-step increase (approximately 2.25%), effective January 1, 2022.
- $800 Lump sum payment within sixty (60) days of ratification.
We could not have done this without the action and support of members who signed petitions and letters, wore stickers, and more, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic!
In order to vote on these important pay increases you must be a member of Teamsters Local 2010. You can become a member by completing the Teamsters Local 2010 Docusign membership application when it arrives in your email inbox on Thursday, March 3. Complete it right away to ensure your right to vote on our new raises and pay steps!
The voting process is being conducted electronically using Election Buddy and is a safe and secure way to quickly cast your ballot. Please add invitations@mail.electionbuddy.com to your contact list to ensure proper delivery of your ballot. Electronic ratification ballots will be emailed via Election Buddy beginning March 4, 2022.
Teamsters Local 2010 will hold a Town Hall via Zoom to detail the Tentative Agreement and voting procedure.
Town Hall on AO2 Wage / Pay Steps Ratification
Thursday, March 3, 2022
12 NOON and 6:00 PM via Zoom
Link sent via email.
As a full voting member, you will have a say in our contract and in decisions about how our Union operates. You will have the ability to serve fellow Union members by becoming a steward, bargaining team member and/or Union delegate. The more AO2 members we have, the stronger we are at the bargaining table. Members also eligible for exclusive Teamster Privilege benefits, such as Teamsters scholarships for your children, $5,000 in Union-paid life insurance, many member discounts, and more.
Do your part by becoming a member today. March 3 you will be sent an electronic Member Power Form via DocuSign. Signing the DocuSign form is secure, quick and easy. You may have used DocuSign in the past to sign real estate forms and other legal documents.
How Will It Work?
- Non-members who have not yet completed their Teamsters Local 2010 Member Power Form will receive an email with the subject: “Sign Your Teamsters 2010 Member Power Form.”
- The form will be pre-populated with the information on file with Teamsters Local 2010, usually provided by the UC or through new employee orientation.
- Click the yellow “Review Document” button within the email to view and complete your membership form with your digital signature.
- After the form is completed with your digital signature, a copy will be sent to you for your records.