Skilled Trades Bargaining Team Reaches Tentative Agreement with UCLA
Through our hard work, dedication, organizing and display of strength at the worksite, Skilled Trades workers moved the University to a Tentative Agreement that will increase wages and protect all K4 Unit workers.
The Tentative Agreement includes:
$3,000 lump sum payment upon ratification
20.4% Compounded wage increase by July 2026
Shift and Hazard pay differentials added & improved
Only full Teamsters members will be allowed to vote. If you would like to sign up as a member, you may start the process by clicking here: https://teamsters2010.org/become-a-member/. Membership applications will also be available at each ratification vote meeting.
"I am proud that our team fought hard and our members stood together to win this agreement that provides our members with significant raises and a strong Teamsters contract! With our actions and solidarity over this campaign, we've shown the University that we are Teamster strong."

Jason Rabinowitz