With 76% of members voting, 89% of those Skilled Trades Teamsters at the CSU have voted to approve our Tentative Agreement with CSU management to extend our Union contract for one year, providing raises and lump sum payments for retro pay and bonuses for Unit 6 Teamsters. The total number of members who voted was 764, with 682 voting to approve and 82 voting to reject the one-year contract extension.
By standing together and taking action as Teamsters, we will all see a 7.12% raise and $5,407 lump sum payment on our paychecks for most Bargaining Unit members.
Our members have fought hard for good pay and benefits at the CSU and I'm proud that we have secured this important agreement, including raises and lump sum payments for all members, as the fight to win step increases continues.
Jason Rabinowitz, Secretary-Treasurer
Let’s all thank our Bargaining Team for their hard work!