Learn to be a Union Steward and workplace leader with Teamsters 2010’s upcoming Stewards Trainings! Held at our Bellflower and Oakland offices, we’ll be hosting introductory and advanced workshops for members interested in becoming more involved in the fight for workers’ rights on the job.
Northern California
March 2 and 3
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
at Teamsters Local 2010
7730 Pardee Ln, Oakland
Southern California
March 23 and 24
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
at Teamsters Local 2010
9900 Flower St, Bellflower, CA
Introduction to Union Stewardship:
In this workshop, you will learn the fundamentals of being a Union Steward. From the duty of fair representation to your rights as a Union Representative, we will give you the foundation needed to become a leader in your worksite and protect the rights of you and your coworkers. A certificate will be awarded upon completion.
Advanced Representation & Organizing:
In this workshop, you will explore in more depth the intricacies of being a Union Steward. You will learn the tools needed to effectively advocate for yourself and your colleagues such as how to draw on contract language and go through the grievance process. Using real case-studies, you will learn the ins and outs of Union organizing and representation. A certificate will be awarded upon completion.
You do not need to be a Steward to attend. Please contact your Union Representative if you have any questions. Union Representatives will assist you in obtaining the days off of work to attend the event.