On Monday, Teamsters 2010 filed an Unfair Labor Practice charge (ULP) with the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) alleging CSU is violating its obligation to bargain in good faith by failing to provide a complete and adequate proposal to the Teamsters on step increases.
Our Teamsters team came prepared on the first day of bargaining with a proposal calling for a 15-year step increases schedule for workers as recommended by the Mercer Salary Study commissioned by the California legislature and CSU last year. CSU came back, a month later, with an insulting “proposal” consisting of a single PowerPoint slide with four incomplete sentences and minimal information. CSU’s “proposal” offered no general salary increases, and the total raises aren’t even enough to keep up with inflation—falling between .01% and 2%, with an average of a 1% raise.
This low-ball “proposal” would not create a real step system and would result in absurdly low raises for workers. CSU’s failure to provide a coherent written proposal on steps suggests they have no intention of reaching a fair agreement.
We worked through the pandemic and our work is an integral part of campus operations. Many of us have served CSU students, faculty and other staff for decades, with no significant progression through our stated salary range. We are the only state workers without salary steps and this 25-year loss of wages must stop!
"CSU workers are tired of being underpaid and unappreciated for our essential work, which keeps the University running every day. We demand CSU come to the table and bargain in good faith for the fair pay and strong contract we deserve!"
Jason Rabinowitz, Secretary-Treasurer
Make sure to get a sticker from your Union Steward or Rep to wear on March 21, the day of the next CSU Board of Trustees meeting. We all need to let CSU know that if they don’t “Step Up,” we will “Strike Out!”