Tentative Agreement reached for UCD Skilled Trades Teamsters!

After two years of tough negotiations, our Union solidarity and Teamsters power have paid off: Our Teamsters Bargaining Team has achieved a Tentative Agreement on our first-ever Teamsters UC Davis Skilled Trades contract for the K3 Bargaining Unit! This Tentative Agreement locks in significant guaranteed raises, worker protections and job security, and ensures we will have a voice on the job when addressing critical issues.

Our next step is to ratify the Tentative Agreement by a vote of the membership. A schedule of ratification meetings in which members can hear from our Bargaining Team, ask questions, and vote, will be coming soon. The full Tentative Agreement will also be coming soon and will be reviewed in detail at the ratification meetings.

The Tentative Agreement includes:

  • $3,000 lump sum payment upon ratification.
  • 25.2% compounded wage increase by July 2027 and an additional 2%-8% raise for those on Steps 1-4 who will move to Step 5 retroactive to July 1, 2022.
  • 11.3% compounded wage increase this year, implemented by July 2023.
  • Shift and hazard pay differentials added and improved ($2.50/hr – Swing shift; $3.25/hr – Graveyard; $1.75/hr – Weekend differential).
  • 40 hours of paid release time per fiscal year for job-related or University career-related training.
  • On-call rate increased to 25% of base pay rate and any employee who is called to work will receive credit for a minimum of four hours of overtime at the rate of 1.5 times the regular hourly rate.
  • Grievance and arbitration procedures for contract violations, protecting our rights, pay, and working conditions.
  • UC must provide progressive discipline before terminating an employee, except for cases of severe misconduct.

Remember, only full Teamsters members can vote! If you are not yet a member, begin the application process by clicking the link below. Applications will also be available during the membership and ratification lunch, where you can sign up for full membership before you vote

"This great first contract is the result of eight years of fighting and organizing by UC Davis Skilled Trades workers to win Union representation and fair treatment. After decades without a Union, and living at the whims of management, UC Davis Teamsters have won unprecedented guaranteed raises, job protection, a grievance and arbitration procedure, and many more rights that they were previously denied. UC Davis Teamsters have won these gains by standing together, winning Union representation, and taking action as Teamsters. Now we need to make sure that every member of the bargaining unit is a member of the Teamsters, and active and involved in our Union, so we can continue to build our strength to enforce and improve on this contract."
