California Governor Gavin Newsom’s May budget proposal includes major cuts in anticipated funding to the University of California and California State University systems. These cuts could potentially shut down many of the UC Labor Centers and threaten the salary step system established for CSU Skilled Trades workers in our most recent contract, a major victory that finally addressed decades of pay disparities at the CSU.
Join Teamsters Local 2010 in opposing these drastic and harmful budget cuts! The Governor and Legislature must fully fund the UC and CSU and honor the Governor’s five-year compact on higher education funding!
Our petition urges the Legislature to maintain the Governor’s original January budget proposal as it relates to the University of California and California State University systems and return to discussions regarding 2025-26 next year when there is more clarity on the state’s budget outlook. The impacts of the proposed cuts and reductions contained in Governor Newsom’s May Revision will be borne most by the UC and CSU’s lowest paid workers and disadvantaged students most in need of support services.
The Governor’s May Revision proposal threatens recent gains toward addressing longstanding issues of low and unfair pay for CSU staff that the Governor and members of the Legislature have previously urged the CSU to address. Teamsters Local 2010 members recently ratified a successor collective bargaining agreement with the CSU that contains fair raises and adoption of a salary step structure to address decades of wage stagnation after multiple strike actions. The funding reductions in the May Revision could upend implementation of this collective bargaining agreement and contribute to further labor disputes at the CSU.

We must also strongly oppose the proposed funding reduction to the UC labor centers. The elimination of $13 million in ongoing General Fund support for UC’s labor centers would constitute a roughly two-thirds reduction in overall funding and serve to defund all labor centers except for those located at UC Los Angeles and UC Berkeley. This proposed funding reduction is disproportionate to the level of funding reductions proposed elsewhere and could result in center closure and layoffs of our members and other UC staff.
Please join Teamsters Local 2010 in strong opposition to the proposed cuts and funding reductions proposed for the UC and CSU systems in the Governor’s May Budget Revision.
“California must invest in our public universities to ensure our future, by educating the next generation and supporting good jobs in our communities. Local 2010 stands against these proposed budget cuts, which are bad for students, patients and our state.”
Jason Rabinowitz, Secretary-Treasurer