Vote on Our New Teamsters Contract with UCI, July 15–19!

From July 15 to July 19, 2024, Teamsters members will vote on the Tentative Agreement our Bargaining Team reached. Come to a ratification meeting to hear directly from our Bargaining Team, ask questions, and cast your ballot!

All UC Irvine K9 members will be allowed an extended lunch period to attend a ratification meeting and vote. If you will not be at work or will be working in a remote area during the voting period, please contact our Union Representative John Viera prior to July 15 to make alternative arrangements to vote.

Schedule of Ratification Meetings & Voting

July 15: UCI Campus and UCI Medical Center (Orange)

11:30am to 1:30pm – EH&S Conference Room (Campus)
3:00pm to 5:00pm – Facilities Management Shop (Health)

July 16: UCI Lakewood

11:00am to 1:00pm – Conference Room

July 17: UCI Fountain Valley

11:00am to 4:00pm – Cafeteria

July 18: UCI Los Alamitos

11:00am to 1:00pm – Cafeteria

July 19: Placentia Linda

11:00am to 1:00pm – Cafeteria

“Our membership stood united for a contract that is comparable with other UCs and the best contract we have ever won at UCI.”

Brian Maloney
Campus Chief Steward and Electrician


The Tentative Agreement includes:

  • 18.5% in average raises compounded over a 3-year agreement
  • 6.5% increase in July 2024 plus additional equity increases of .5 to 2.5% for most classifications
  • Overtime will now be paid after 8 hours
  • Shift and hazard pay differentials added and improved ($2.50 per hour Swing Shift; $3 per hour Graveyard; $1.50 Weekend)
  • One Steward at each Community Network Location (formerly Tenet)
  • On-call rate increased to five (5) hours on weekends/holidays
  • $300 for safety shoes
  • $30 for meals if working overtime
  • Stronger cap on parking rate increases
  • No takeaways or concessions

Our elected K9 Unit Bargaining Team unanimously recommends a YES vote on the Tentative Agreement!

“Congratulations to our Teamsters Local 2010 Skilled Trades members at UCI for winning this historic Tentative Agreement with unprecedented gains on wages and other important rights. Thanks to our great Bargaining Team and all members who stood together and took action to show the University that we are united and ready to do whatever it takes to win the fair contract we deserve!” 

Jason Rabinowitz

Remember, only full Teamsters members can vote! If you are not yet a member, begin the application process by clicking here. Applications to sign up and vote will be available during each ratification meeting. 
