Teamsters Stand With UC Student Workers
Greetings Teamsters, Teamsters Local 2010 support the just demands of our UC sisters and brothers represented by UAW 2865, for a fair cost of living adjustment (COLA) at the University…
Greetings Teamsters, Teamsters Local 2010 support the just demands of our UC sisters and brothers represented by UAW 2865, for a fair cost of living adjustment (COLA) at the University…
This coming Monday is the deadline to submit your James R Hoffa scholarship application and the Teamsters Joint Council 42 deadline is mid-May. James R Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund Deadline…
Greetings Teamsters: This month our country and our labor movement celebrate Black History Month, and the leadership, ideas, and actions taken by Black Americans who have contributed to the greater…
CSU Proposes Benefits Take-Aways Teamsters Say 'Hell No!' Our Teamsters Bargaining Team for CSU Skilled Trades workers met with management Feb. 4 & 5. While continuing to refuse to agree…
CSU Skilled Trades Bargaining Team: Our team brought in enlarged versions of the letters from Gov. Newsom and Lt. Gov. Kounalakis, both of which urge the CSU to agree to…
CSU Skilled Trades Bargaining Team: Our team brought in enlarged versions of the letters from Gov. Newsom and Lt. Gov. Kounalakis, both of which urge the CSU to agree to…
Teamsters Stand Strong for Steps, Make Progress in CSU Bargaining Dec. 20, 2019 - Our CSU Skilled Trades Bargaining Team met with CSU management Dec. 17-18 at our Teamsters Local…
Our CSU Skilled Trades Bargaining Team met with CSU management Dec. 17-18 at our Teamsters Local 2010 office in Oakland for the second CSU contract bargaining session. We decorated the…