CX Unit Union Updates

After almost a year of bargaining, member actions, and worker organizing, CX Teamsters ratified our strongest-ever Union contract!
Approximately 5,000 UC Teamsters voted on our contract and 98.3% said YES! This overwhelming majority is a testament to the strength of our new contract, which guarantees across-the-board raises, annual step increases that are NOT based on merit/performance, ratification AND longevity lump sums, new language on bilingual pay at medical centers, major gains on overtime and more!
Per the agreement, UC is required to implement negotiated pay increases within 60 days of ratification. We will keep you posted on the pay dates for lump sum and retroactive increases once confirmed by the UC.
Jason Rabinowitz, Chief Negotiator
Melissa Munio, First Chair
Catherine Cobb, President of Teamsters 2010
Alex Vermie, Research Analyst
Deborah Ann Reed, LBNL
Kirsten Willer, UCB / UCOP
Jenny Hodge, UCD / ANR
Dianna Sahhar, UCI
Stephanie Watts-Parrish, UCLA
Krystal Cortez, UCM
Marissa Johnston, UCSD
Jamal Colter, UCSF
Deateria Dickinson, UCSB

Teamsters stand with AFSCME 3299 on strike!
On Wednesday and Thursday this week, 37,000 UC patient care and service workers represented by AFSCME 3299 will go on strike to protest the UC’s bad-faith bargaining and lack of respect for essential frontline workers. All ten campuses and five medical centers in the UC system will be affected. Teamsters

Raises on the way for LBNL Teamsters!
Our 5.5% across-the-board Teamsters raise will appear on LBNL workers’ paychecks starting October 23, according to UC representatives. Our annual raises are guaranteed because of our strong Teamsters contract. Thank you for standing together with our Bargaining Team and fellow members as we fought for essential pay for essential UC

CX Teamsters Retro Pay Will Appear on Checks in Early November
As part of our negotiated wage agreement with the UC, all newly-accreted CX Teamsters will receive between nine months and a year of retroactive pay, from July or September 2023 to July 2024, representing the difference between their pre-accretion salaries and their current step on our new, Teamsters-negotiated pay ranges.

Teamsters Stop Parking Increases at UCI! ✊
UC Irvine Teamsters have won a major victory this month after a neutral arbitrator declared that UCI violated our Teamsters contract by charging Teamsters workers $76 per month at two previously free campus lots! The arbitrator’s decision mandates that UCI reduce parking rates at both lots for Teamsters workers (currently

CX Teamsters Overwhelmingly Ratify Strong New Agreement!
After 10 months of tough bargaining, member support, and solidarity from Teamsters across the state, newly-accreted CX Teamsters have ratified our first-ever Union wage and benefits agreement! 99% of voting Teamsters said YES to our agreement! This overwhelming majority is a testament to the strength of our new agreement, which improves salary ranges and step placements

Raises on the way for CX Teamsters!
Our annual across-the-board raise, guaranteed by our Teamsters contract, takes effect in July! This raise will be effective July 1 for monthly workers and July 7 for biweekly workers, and will appear on the July 31 paycheck for all workers. All CX workers will receive a 4.2% across-the-board raise plus one salary step, for a total average

Tentative Agreement Reached for CX Accretion Teamsters!
Thanks to the strong support of our members, our Teamsters Bargaining Team has secured a Tentative Agreement with the University of California for Ambulatory Care, Facilities Management, Health Professions Education Specialists, Research Administrators, and Patient Relations Professionals across the state! Our Bargaining Team held the line for workers and won

Huge Win for 500+ UCLA Teamsters!
Teamsters Local 2010 has won a major settlement for more than 500 CX Unit workers at the UCLA Patient Communications Center (PCC), putting an end to absurd and punitive practices by PCC management! In early 2022, PCC management began to discipline workers based on a metric that, until that year,

CX Unit Teamsters Guaranteed 3% Raise, One Salary Step in July
‘Me Too’ Contract Language Could Increase Teamsters Raise Depending on State Budget Allocation All Teamsters Local 2010 CX members will receive in July a 3% raise plus, for non-probationary, career staff, one salary step, as guaranteed by our collective bargaining agreement with the University of California. And we could receive

UCLA Campus: Meet our New CX Union Representative!
We’re excited to welcome our new Teamsters Local 2010 Union Representative for CX workers at UCLA Campus: Laurence Young! Larry is a long-time member of Teamsters 2010 and is looking forward to representing UCLA members on all workplace issues. Larry will represent CX workers at UC Santa Barbara and UCLA Campus.

Accretion Bargaining Team Continues to Fight for Fair Pay!
Our CX Bargaining Team is still hard at work demanding fair salary ranges and other conditions of employment since we have now become Teamsters. After 14 sessions, our Teamsters team has reached agreement on 31 of 88 pay ranges for workers at UCs across the state. Our team has also

UC Refuses Critical Accretion Bargaining Demands
After 10 formal bargaining sessions, our Teamsters Bargaining Team has reached agreement with the UC on 20 pay ranges out of 88 titles, but the UC is still refusing many of our most important demands. The UC continues to say no to a lump sum ratification bonus and an additional

Join our Teamsters Bargaining Town Hall on Nov 2!
Our Teamsters Bargaining Team for Ambulatory Care Administration Coordinators, Facilities Management Specialists, Health Professional Education Specialists, Research Administrators, and Patient Relations Professionals will host a Bargaining Update via Zoom on Thursday, Nov. 2. All UC Teamsters are invited to join and hear the latest updates on negotiations with the UC.

Open Enrollment Information for CX and KM Teamsters
The University will increase healthcare premiums Jan. 1, 2024, for the Blue and Gold, Health Net and Kaiser medical plans available to UC employees. However, our Teamsters contract for members of the CX Unit and UC Merced KM Skilled Trades bargaining units do not allow an increase of more than

Sign the Petition! 📝 Support our Teamsters Bargaining Team!
Let the UC know that Union negotiations must be taken seriously by supporting the Bargaining Team for workers recently added to our CX Bargaining Unit by the Public Employment Relations Board! Our team is hard at work negotiating for improved initial salary step placement, leave accrual conversions, shift differential pay,

FMS Teamsters: Tell the UC the REAL cost of being an FMS!
Facility Management Specialists, the UC needs to hear your stories! As we continue to bargain for fair pay for all newly Teamsters-represented titles, the UC keeps insisting that there’s no need to negotiate pay and policy for all the extra duties, licensing costs, and overtime that FMSs regularly deal with. Existing salaries

Sticker Up for our Teamsters Bargaining Team!
Our Teamsters Bargaining Team begins negotiations with the UC September 7 and 8! The Bargaining Team is committed to securing improved initial salary step placement, leave accrual conversions, shift differential pay, certification pay, and title and pay advancement for Level 1 training positions for new Teamsters workers, including Ambulatory Care Administration Coordinators,

Patient Relations Professionals join Teamsters Local 2010!
As a result of a decision issued by the State Public Employment Relations Board (PERB), all workers in the titles of Patient Relations Professional 2, 3, and 4 (4595, 4594, 4593) are now covered by the CX Bargaining Unit and represented by Teamsters Local 2010. Supervisory or confidential workers as defined by PERB are

Make your voice heard! Register for a Teamsters Bargaining Input meeting
Over the next few weeks, our Union will be holding bargaining input meetings for each of the title series recently accreted into Teamsters Local 2010. At these meetings, Teamsters will have the opportunity to help determine our Union’s bargaining goals as we negotiate with the UC on initial salary step

Welcome to Teamsters Local 2010!
As a result of a decision issued by the State Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) on June 22, 2023, more than 1,100 workers in the titles of Ambulatory Care Administration Coordinator 2, 3, and 4 (4176, 4175, 4174), Facilities Management Specialist 1, 2, and 3 (5193, 5194, 5195), Health Professional

Negotiated Raises Coming for CX Teamsters!
Our annual across-the-board raise, guaranteed by our Teamsters contract, takes effect on July 1! This raise will be reflected in the paycheck dated July 19 for biweekly workers and August 1 for monthly workers. All CX workers will receive a 4.6% across the board raise, and all non-probationary career workers

Teamsters Propose Break, Meal Period Penalty Pay for CX Workers
After three months of waiting for a counter proposal from the UC, we finally have an update on our bargaining efforts to include SB 1334 language into the CX contract. The bill, signed into law last year: Prohibits the UC from requiring healthcare employees to work during break/meal periods; Allows

Teamsters win representation for improperly classified UCLA community health workers!
Forty-four Community Health Program Representatives (CHPR) who support patient care at the Venice Family Clinics of UCLA Health joined the Teamsters Union this week following the settlement of a complaint Teamsters Local 2010 filed with the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) in February 2022. Workers in this title had been

Teamsters win bigger raises for CX Members in July!
‘Me Too’ Contract Language Triggers Increased Raises Subject to Budget Approval by the Governor Teamsters Local 2010 CX members have won an increased raise in July—4.6% across the board plus a step increase worth an average of 2% for eligible workers for a total increase of 6.6% on average—through the

Sign the petition: UC must respect hard-working Library Professionals!
The UC, with its $41 billion annual budget, claims it doesn’t have enough money to pay essential workers like Library Professionals the salaries and benefits needed to make ends meet in California. Over eight bargaining sessions, the UC has ignored and downplayed LPs’ dedication and exemplary service. Despite mounting job

Judge Finds UC Guilty of Unlawful Union-Busting in Huge Victory for Workers’ Rights!
A California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) Judge has issued a decision blasting University of California for multiple violations of California labor law by sending mass communications that interfered with UC employees’ rights to form or join a union! In an extremely rare move, the Judge also ordered the University

Sign the petition! Stop UC from shortchanging Teamsters!
It’s been just a few months since our new CX contract was overwhelmingly ratified by UC Teamsters, and the UC is already trying to shortchange workers and deny us the pay we’ve won! Our CX Bargaining Team successfully negotiated an increase in shift differential rates for existing CX Teamsters, raising

CX lump sum payments, longevity bonus, retro pay on the way in December!
The retro pay, lump sum payments, and longevity bonuses we won in our powerful new Teamsters contract are on the way to CX Teamsters. Here’s the latest information on each of these payments: $3,000 Lump Sum Payments Lump sum ratification payments of $3,000 are scheduled for payout in an off-cycle

Teamsters ratify powerful new CX contract!
After almost a year of bargaining, member actions, and worker organizing, CX Teamsters have ratified our strongest-ever Union contract! Approximately 5,000 UC Teamsters voted over the past three weeks and 98.3% said YES! This overwhelming majority is a testament to the strength of our new contract, which guarantees across-the-board raises, annual step increases that are NOT based

Voting Begins Friday to Ratify Powerful CX Unit Teamsters TA
After nearly a year of bargaining and members taking action across the state, our elected Bargaining Team secured a tentative agreement (TA) with the University on our CX unit successor contract that’s the strongest contract in our history. The TA includes guaranteed across-the-board (ATB) raises, annual step increases that are

Teamsters win strongest-ever CX Tentative Agreement!
Because we stood together as Teamsters and showed our solidarity through worksite actions statewide, our CX Unit Bargaining Team was able to move the University of California to our strongest tentative agreement ever! It took nearly a year of negotiations and 47 formal bargaining sessions, but we did it and

Bargaining Update: Take Action Now for a Fair Contract!
Our Bargaining Team met with the University team in Oakland on Sept. 14 and 15. We presented UC with our response to their wage proposal. We are maintaining in our proposal annual across-the-board wage increases and step increases, as well as increases in shift differential for both campus and medical

Union Action Wins Progress in CX Bargaining!
Our Union Action is Working: UC Finally Proposes Raises and Steps! CX Team Rejects Further Extension and Delays! Our united actions across the state are working: After months of delay, UC finally came to the CX bargaining table this week with its initial economic offer. For the first time, UC

CX Unit Bargaining Update – Where’s that Wage Proposal?
Still No Wage Proposal from UC The CX Bargaining Team continues to meet with the University to negotiate a successor agreement for the CX Unit, with the current agreement extended by mutual agreement through August 31, 2022. The University still owes us responses on many Articles, including wages. The Bargaining

CX Unit Bargaining Update – We’re Speaking Out!
Our CX Bargaining Team continues to meet with the University to negotiate a successor agreement for the CX Unit, which has been extended by mutual agreement through June 2022. There are still many articles for which the University owes us responses, and we gave our wages proposal last week at

Teamsters rallied for REAL appreciation on Admin Professionals Day!
Teamsters celebrate Admin Professionals Day with WORKER POWER! We’ve had enough of flowers and cards! This year, CX Teamsters demanded what we’re really due on Administrative Professionals Day: fair pay and a good contract! We rallied at campuses, health centers, and clinics statewide to make it clear that we’re tired of the

We’re speaking out! 🗣 Fair Pay for Bilingual Services!
Show us the money, then we’ll talk! Every day, a small but committed group of UC Teamsters use their bilingual skills on the job, assisting students, patients, and others in the UC community. When our Bargaining Team proposed nominal pay for these workers, the UC flatly refused. Today, May 3, we’re

Rally for Admin Professionals Day THIS WEEK!
Join the Admin Professionals Day rally on your campus! April 27 is Administrative Professionals Day, and it’s time for the UC to show Admin Professionals some real appreciation! Celebrate with our Union by rallying for FAIR RAISES and a GOOD CONTRACT! To show our appreciation of all you do, Clerical and Administrative Services

Clerical & Allied Services Bargaining Update—Fighting for Our Rights!
The CX Unit Bargaining Team has been busy at work meeting 14 times over the past two months, alternating meetings with UC between our Teamsters offices in Bellflower and Oakland. Our current contract was set to expire on March 31 and our Union and UC mutually agreed to extend the

Teamsters Urge UC Board of Regents to Support Essential Workers
Teamsters members from various campuses and work classifications urged the UC Board of Regents to support workers through telling UC Labor Relations to negotiate fair wages and benefits for essential workers. Jeff Sharp spoke on behalf of UCLA Skilled Trades workers.

AGREEMENT RATIFIED: AO2 Teamsters ratify first agreement with huge wins!
Admin Officer 2 Teamsters Ratify New Wages, Pay Scale! Our AO2 Bargaining Team! Admin Officer 2 Teamsters at the University of California have won a powerful first wage agreement, including guaranteed across-the-board wage increases, new pay ranges and pay steps for each work location, an additional step increase, and a

CX Bargaining Update – Feb. 2 and 3, 2022
CX Bargaining Team Update—Fighting for Our Rights! Our CX Bargaining Team just completed two productive days of bargaining with the UC in Oakland on Feb. 2 and Feb. 3 and successfully passed a whopping 12 articles! We have an exciting win—the UC agreed that members will be able to remove performance

CX Bargaining Update – November and December 2021
CX Teamster Bargaining Team Pushing for Fair Contract! Our Teamsters CX Bargaining Team has been hard at work negotiating our upcoming contract with UC management. On Nov. 30 and Dec. 17, our team met with UC in Oakland to exchange proposals and hammer out more details of the contract. Support

Teamsters Show Support During First Day of CX Bargaining!
Teamsters Show Support During First Day of CX Bargaining! Our Teamsters CX Bargaining Team met with UC management for negotiations on our next Union contract Nov. 5 at our Oakland office. Our team detailed in a presentation how the UC is in a strong financial position going forward and is

Teamsters CX Bargaining Team Delivers Contract Proposals to UC!
Teamsters 2010 Secretary-Treasurer Jason Rabinowitz and President Catherine Cobb give security guard Eric Cooper our CX Bargaining Team’s demand to open negotiations on a successor contract. Our Teamsters Local 2010 Clerical and Allied Services Workers (CX Unit) Bargaining Team personally delivered our initial contract proposals to the Office of the

Meet the Teamsters CX Bargaining Team!
Congratulations to the dedicated Teamsters who will represent us on the CX Unit Bargaining Team! These Bargaining Team members, elected from each CX worksite, will sit across from UC administration to negotiate our wages, benefits, and working conditions as we begin bargaining on our next CX contract. Deborah Ann Reed,

CX Bargaining Team Candidate Statements
UC Berkeley Kirsten Bottles Willer I am excited to run to represent you on the bargaining committee! I am a Blank Assistant III (Program Coordinator) at the UC Berkeley Labor Center. I have worked at the university for two and a half years and I live in beautiful Oakland, CA.

Elections for the CX Bargaining Team Begin July 12
The nominations period has now closed for the Teamsters CX Unit Bargaining Team! Thank you to all who nominated a fellow member to serve on the Bargaining Team, who will be critical to the collective bargaining process with the UC. The election to decide our Bargaining Team will be held

CX Bargaining Team Nominations Open on June 7
As part of the collective bargaining process with the University of California, Teamsters Local 2010 will begin accepting nominations for the Teamsters CX Unit Bargaining Team on June 7. In order to equitably represent members across the State, one Bargaining Team member will be elected for each location below: