Skilled Trades News

Join the CSU Town Hall on Dec. 19
On the heels of our successful strike Nov. 14 statewide, and with CFA at four campuses last week, our Unit 6 Bargaining Team is gearing up for “fact-finding” with a

Teamsters, CFA unite on strike lines to demand fair CSU!
In Pomona, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Sacramento, Teamsters shut it down last week in our solidarity strikes with CFA! CSU Teamsters and our allies were proud to join faculty,

Teamsters Statement on CSU’s Take on PERB Fact-Finding in CFA Negotiations
Statement from Jason Rabinowitz, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 2010 “Teamsters Local 2010 supports our fellow Union members of California Faculty Association in their fight for fair pay, workloads and rights

Teamsters Show our POWER on Strike!
Our Teamster strike on Tuesday was an unprecedented show of strength, with our members letting CSU hear our voices loud and clear! An incredible 99% of Unit 6 members honored

Teamsters: Report to Your Campus Strike Line Tuesday Morning
All CSU Teamsters are urged to join your campus picket line tomorrow morning, Nov. 14, for our one-day strike. You can find your campus start time and location by clicking here.

Teamsters to Hold ULP Strike Nov. 14!
Our Teamsters Local 2010 Unit 6 Bargaining Team has called a one-day unfair labor practice strike at California State University on Nov. 14, 2023. The team made this decision after

Rally at the CSU Trustees on Nov. 7!
After nine months of negotiations and multiple, ongoing unfair labor practices, CSU has proposed inadequate raises and a salary step scale that still leaves members behind. This is an insult

Overwhelming Majority of Teamsters Say YES to CSU Strike Authorization!
With an overwhelming 94% voting yes, Skilled Trades Teamsters at CSU have authorized a strike in protest of the University’s bad faith bargaining and unfair labor practices. With our member-approved

CSU Teamsters Continue Strike Vote as PERB Declares Impasse
As they promised during negotiations Sept. 26, California State University filed a second request for the state Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) to determine that the two teams are at