K6 Unit – ART. 2: Out of Classification Assignment/Classification Review


A. The University may temporarily assign an employee to a position in a class different from that of his/her normal appointment. An employee who is temporarily assigned to perform all the duties on a full – time basis of a position in a higher classification for a period of fifteen (15) consecutive working days or more shall be paid at the rate of the higher class, for all hours worked in the out of classification assignment.

B. An employee who is temporarily assigned to perform the duties of a position in a class wit h the same or lower salary rate than the employee’s regular appointment shall continue to receive the employee’s regular rate of pay.

C. The University utilizes Series and Classification Concepts for job classifications within the Skilled Crafts unit. The Series and Classification Concepts include information about the duties found in a job title, factors that influence the level at which a position is classified, and general qualifications for an employee assigned to a particular job classification.

D. An employee may request, in writing, a review of the classification of his or her position. The University will inform employees of the process for requesting a reclassification. The review shall be based on the employee’s job description, as approved by the employee’s supervisor, and the Series Classification and Concepts.

E. The Union may provide input concerning a reclassification request(s) which may be discussed at a Labor – Management Relations meeting (pursuant to the provisions of Article 33 of this Agreement).
