A. General Provisions
Upon request, an employee shall be able to review his/her personnel file within a reasonable period of time, within thirty calendar days (30) of the request, in the presence of a representative of the University. Requests shall be made in writing, preferably using electronic mail, to the appropriate Labor Relations office, specifically Health System or campus. At the time of such request the University representative shall coordinate the gathering of the official file. Upon request an employee shall be provided copies of his/her personnel file within thirty (30) calendar days.
B. Request for Inspection
Where operational requirements permit, an employee shall be granted a reasonable amount of time in without-loss-of-straight-time pay status to review his/her personnel file(s). When granting such requests, the University shall take into account the frequency of such requests and the amount of time the employee is or will be engaged in such activity. A Teamsters Local 2010 representative may accompany the employee when the employee is reviewing his/her personnel file(s). Alternatively, an individual employee may authorize a designated Teamsters Local 2010 representative to review the employee’s personnel file(s) on the employee’s behalf. Such written authorization shall be valid for a period of twenty (20) calendar days.
C. Rebuttal Statements
An employee may submit a rebuttal statement to material in his/her personnel file. Said rebuttal shall be attached to the material being rebutted and placed in the employee’s personnel file.
D. Grievance Files
Records involving the processing of an employee’s grievance, such as the grievance form, step appeals/responses, and settlement documents, will be kept in a file separate from the employee’s personnel file.
E. Protections and Disclosure
Records protected by recognized legal privilege and records excepted from disclosure by law may be withheld from the employee and/or the employee’s representative. Neither an employee nor his/her representative shall be entitled to review confidential pre-employment information.
F. Fees
Fees may be charged for making copies of personnel file information or extracts thereof; however, there is no charge for the first copy of the individual employee’s own records.
G. Letters in File
Prior to placing a letter of commendation or a derogatory letter in an employee’s personnel file, the employee shall be provided with a copy of said letter.
H. Correction of File
If after inspection of his/her records, an employee believes that any portion of the material is not accurate, the employee may request in writing, to the appropriate University representative, to have the record corrected. The University shall notify the employee in writing of the correction or refusal to correct.