K8-Unit – ART. 35: Union Access

ARTICLE 35. Union Access

A. Duly authorized Business Representative of the Union shall be permitted access to work locations in which employees covered by this Agreement are employed. Such access shall not interfere with the work of the employees. Management may require prior approval for such access. Access to employees shall not be arbitrarily denied.

B. New Employee Orientations

1. The University shall notify Teamsters Local 2010 in writing, at least fifteen (15) days in advance of any changes to the bi-weekly scheduled New Employee Orientations in which the University or their designee may advise one or more employees on information regarding employment status, rights, benefits, duties, responsibilities, or any other employment-related matters.

a. The University shall provide Teamsters Local 2010, at least five (5) business days in advance of the New Employee Orientation, with the following new employee information: Name, Job Title, Department, Physical Work Location, Shift, Home Phone, Personal Cell Phone, Personal Email Address, and Home Address. The employee may prevent disclosure by stating this objection in writing to Teamsters Local 2010. Teamsters 2010 will notify Employee & Labor Relations of the employee’s decision in writing. Employee and Labor Relations shall refer all questions to Teamsters 2010.
b. Should a new employee be hired less than five (5) business days prior to New Employee Orientation, the University shall provide Teamsters Local 2010 advance notice, as well as the new employee information, referenced in Section B.1.a.n, above.
c. The University shall provide Teamsters Local 2010 a list of attendees, at least ten (10) days following New Employee Orientation.
d. Monthly the University shall provide a list of all employees new to the unit. It shall include the information from Section B.1.a., along with start date in the unit.

2. At the University’s New Employee Orientation, packets of information supplied in advance to Employee & Labor Relations by Teamsters Local 2010 shall be made available.

3. Teamsters Local 2010 shall be permitted to meet with the new employees for thirty-minutes on paid time, at New Employee Orientation, for the purpose of sharing information with new employees. Management shall not participate in the meeting between Teamsters Local 2010 and the new employee(s).

a. In addition to a Union Representative, Union steward may be present and/or conduct the Union presentation, without-loss-of-straight-time-pay status, in accordance with the release time provisions in Article 33, Section B, Union Stewards.

4. In the event the University does not conduct a mandatory New Employee Orientation within fifteen (15) days of a new employee’s start date, Teamsters Local 2010 shall have thirty-minutes of paid time to meet with new employee(s) for the purpose of sharing information. Management shall not be present.

a. In addition to a Union Representative, Union stewards may be present and/or conduct the Union presentation, on without-loss-of-straight-time-pay status, in accordance with the release time provisions in Article 33, Section B., Union Stewards.

5. Information about the time and location of the Teamsters Local 2010 meeting shall be announced at the New Employee Orientation. The University’s designee(s) advising new employees, shall refrain from commenting or discussing the issue of Union membership and participation in Union activities, and shall refer all questions to the Union designee(s).
