K8-Unit – ART. 47: Staff Personnel Records

ARTICLE 47. Staff Personnel Records

A. General

An employee’s personnel records shall contain only material which is necessary and relevant to the administration of the staff personnel program. The records shall be maintained with accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and completeness, and appropriate and reasonable safeguards shall be established by the location to ensure security and confidentiality.

B. Access to an Employee’s own Personnel Records

An employee may request an opportunity to review his/her personnel file or get a copy of the file by submitting a written request to his/her sup ervisor, specifying that the request is to view the file and/or receive a copy of the file. The depart ment will schedule an opportunity for the employee to view the file or provide a copy within a reasonable time period but no later than thirty calendar days from the receipt of a request. There will be no charge for the first copy.

C. Access to Records by the Public

Persons inside or outside the University shall have access to information in employees’ personnel records in conformance with statutes and University policies on records. Information which is public information and which should be released u pon request includes name, date of hire, current position title, current salary, organizational unit assignment, date of separation, office address and office telephone number, current job description, full-time or part-time, and career, contract, or limited appointment status. Unless release is legally r equired, information which the University has determined to be an invasion of personal privacy shall not be released to the public. Such information includes but is not limited to: the individual’s home telephone number and home address; spouse’s,
domestic partner’s, or other relatives names; birth date; social security number; citizen s hip; income tax withholdings; health care records; and information relating to evaluation of performance. Release of information to public authorities shall be in confor mance w ith Gu idelines for Access to University Personnel Records by Governmental Agencies, Business and Finance Bulletin RMP-9.
A record of release of information pursuant to subpoena, court order, health emergency, or search warrant shall be maintained by the home department in the employee’s personnel file.

D. Location of Records

Personnel records are maintained in the employee’s personnel file in the home department.

E. Period of Retention

Except as provided in Article 18, Section G, personnel records of an employee shall be maintained according to the UC Records Retention Schedule.
