KM Unit – ART. 29: Joint Health and Safety Committee

ARTICLE 29 – JOINT HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE  A. Establishment of Committee 

The University and the Union shall establish a Joint Health and  Safety Committee for the skilled crafts unit. Said committee will  discuss the implementation of safety regulations and safety training  and make recommendations to the University. 

A. Composition of Committee 

The Committee shall be composed of no more than three (3)  bargaining unit representatives, including two (2) bargaining unit  members and one (1) TEAMSTERS LOCAL 2010 paid  representative, and no more than three (3) University representatives.  The bargaining unit representatives shall not be from the same trade.  Upon mutual agreement, each party may include additional  representatives at the meetings of the Committee. Any participation  in joint health and safety committee activities will be on pay status. 

B. Meetings of Committee 

Meetings shall be scheduled quarterly, unless the parties otherwise  agree, at the request of a designated TEAMSTERS LOCAL 2010 Representative or designated University Official. Items to be  included on the agenda for the aforementioned Joint Health and  Safety Committee meetings are to be submitted at least seven (7)  calendar days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting. The Union  shall contact the Office of Labor Relations at least fourteen (14)  calendar days in advance to schedule the meeting. 

C. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Logs 

The University shall provide CAL OSHA logs to TEAMSTERS  LOCAL 2010 and/or post the logs in the Facilities Department  as soon as the Campus develops updates to the CAL OSHA logs. 
