The Parties agree to continue a joint CSU- Teamsters Local 2010 health and safety program under the guidelines set forth below. The program will not automatically continue, rather, the Parties agree to review the program during the next full contract negotiations to determine whether or not to continue the program.
The Parties agree that this program is separate and apart from Teamsters Local 2010’s Safety Steward Program. Teamsters Local 2010 is responsible for all costs related to Teamsters Local 2010 Safety Stewards, unless stated otherwise in this MOU or in the CBA, Article 28.
Campus Teamsters Local 2010 Safety Committees Responsibilities:
- Provide copies of the campus meeting minutes to the Joint system wide Health & Safety Committee (JHSC), as requested;
- Provide information collected by the campus regarding injuries/illnesses, accidents, training needs, and any other information to the JHSC as requested; and
- Work with the Environmental Health & Safety Offices at the campuses and the Office of the Chancellor.
Safety Stewards Responsibilities:
1. Function as the liaison to the Campus Teamsters Local 2010 Safety Committee (and other campus safety committees) meetings;
2. May facilitate the reporting of safety issues to the appropriate management person, as designated by each campus, to
a. Support management with safety issues in the plant, and
b. Follow-up on action items identified by the campus SETC-United Safety Committee.
These responsibilities will be performed on an incidental basis. The Safety Steward’s primary role is to perform the duties of his/her classification. Release time will be provided by the designated member of management upon request by the Safety Steward unless there are significant bona fide work reasons not to do so.
Joint Systemwide Health & Safety Committee (JHSC)
Purpose and Role
The JHSC will represent all of the California State University Campuses. The JHSC will:
- Obtain and analyze system wide data on past injuries and illnesses, as well as identified safety problems and/or issues affecting multiple campuses;
- Identify system wide trends; and
- Make recommendations of corrective action to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and the Chief Financial Officer or their designees, including but not limited to: campus or system wide training.
Responsibilities of JHSC Members:
1. Attend mutually agreed-upon JHSC meetings of the JHSC and perform;
2. Perform assignments as directed by the JHSC;
3. Coordinate with the campus Teamsters Local 2010 Safety Committees.
4. Contact Environmental Health & Safety, the Plant Director and/or the campus Teamsters Local 2010 Safety Committee for necessary information;
5. Prepare an annual report of its activities (recommendations and follow-up) for the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and the Teamsters Local 2010 Business Manager; and
6. Work with the Environmental Health & Safety Offices at the campuses and the Office of the Chancellor.
Responsibilities will be performed on an incidental basis. The JHSC member’s primary role is to perform the duties of his/her classification. JHSC members shall be released from work without a loss in pay for time spent in attendance at such meetings. Additional release time may be provided on an individual basis to meet special needs related to work schedules, travel requirements and preparation for JHSC members for JHSC meetings.
The JHSC will prepare an annual report of its activities for the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and the Teamsters Local 2010 Business Manager. Recommendations of the JHSC may be forwarded to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and the Chief Financial Officer or their designees at any time.
Decision Making Process for Health and Safety Programs
Final decisions regarding the health and safety program(s) will be made by the designee of the President on each campus and/or the designee of the Chancellor, as appropriate.
Expenditures for Health and Safety Programs
Any program requiring the expenditure of money will require authorization by the appropriate CSU management employee.