Members Overwhelmingly Ratify Strong Teamsters Contract for UCSD Skilled Trades!

Over the past few days, 84% of voting Skilled Trades Teamsters at UCSD ratified our Tentative Agreement with UCSD management, providing significant raises and lump sum payments for K6 Teamsters!

By standing together and taking action as Teamsters, we will all see a compounded 20.4% raise over the next four years, plus a $3,000 lump sum payment on our paychecks.

Congratulations to our UCSD Teamsters for winning and ratifying this strong Teamster contract. Thanks to our hard-working bargaining team for your service to the members. Because our team fought hard and our members stood together to take action, we won significant guaranteed raises, a well-earned bonus, and important language improvements that strengthen our rights. With our actions and solidarity over this campaign, we've shown the University that we are Teamsters strong!
