UC Los Angeles K4 Skilled Trades Union Updates
Skilled Trades Bargaining Team

Luis Lemus, Mason Shop
Frank Ibarra, Electrical Shop
Ken Kaiden, DDC Shop
Laura Newman, HK Shop
William Nicolaides, Swing Shift, XC Shop
Arturo Alvarez, Housing
Jesus Manzo, Housing
Jeff Sharp, Housing

Major Teamsters Win: Parking Fee Refunds on the Way!
K4 Teamsters, check your paycheck issued on Jan. 29—following a successful grievance filed by Teamsters Local 2010, all K4 workers who have paid for campus parking since January 2023 will receive a refund of the parking rate increase UCLA incorrectly imposed on workers in winter 2023! UCLA instituted the increase

Raises on the way for K4 Teamsters!
Our 4% across-the-board Teamsters raise will appear on Skilled Trades workers’ paychecks starting July 31, according to UC representatives. Our annual raises are guaranteed because of our strong Teamsters contract. Thank you for standing together with our Bargaining Team and fellow members as we fought for essential pay for essential

Assist our Teamsters Brother Luis in his Recovery
As mentioned in our recent email calling for catastrophic leave donations, our brother Luis Lemus has suffered a major road accident and needs our help as he faces multiple surgeries and a long road to recovery. Luis has been a dedicated member of the UCLA Skilled Trades team for 18

Equity Presentations and Retro Pay/Raises Delayed
The deadline for equity adjustment presentations to be submitted and orally presented has changed. Information for equity adjustment requests are now due to the UC by Oct. 11 and the 20-minute presentations will be made to the committee and employer on Oct. 18. The UC also informed us that retroactive

Teamsters Seeking Input on Needed Equity Adjustments
Our new Teamsters contract with UCLA sets up an Equity Review Committee that will review specific job classifications identified by either Teamsters or UCLA management that may require market-based wage increases. These increases would be in addition to the wage raises already detailed in Article 45 of our collective bargaining

Agreement Ratified! K4 Teamsters will receive 20.4% raise over 4 years!
Skilled Trades Teamsters at UCLA ratify new contract with strong 94% YES vote! Over the past few days, 94% of voting Skilled Trades Teamsters at UCLA ratified our Tentative Agreement with UCLA management, providing significant raises and lump sum payments for K4 Teamsters! By standing together and taking action as

Voting Slated for Aug. 2-4 on Skilled Trades TA with UCLA
August 2 through 4, all of us will have a chance to vote on the Tentative Agreement our Bargaining Team reached with UCLA, hear directly from our Bargaining Team, and ask any questions. All UCLA K4 members will be allowed a two-hour lunch period to attend the ratification meeting and

Tentative Agreement Reached!
Skilled Trades Bargaining Team Reaches Tentative Agreement with UCLA Through our hard work, dedication, organizing and display of strength at the worksite, Skilled Trades workers moved the University to a Tentative Agreement that will increase wages and protect all K4 Unit workers. The Tentative Agreement includes: $3,000 lump sum payment

July 8 Bargaining Update
July 8 Bargaining Update Last Friday, our Bargaining Team and UCLA met and continued to make movement on open articles. This list includes many of the economic articles – wages, insurance, pay differentials, and parking. Our Bargaining Team has reached a tentative agreement with UCLA on Licenses and Certifications, a

July 1 Bargaining Update
As our Bargaining Team continues to negotiate over wages and other economic items, we will schedule lunchtime meetings to hear your input, answer questions and discuss items of concern. We welcome your questions and appreciate your suggestions. Last Friday, July 1, our Bargaining Team made proposals and/or discussed the following:

Management’s Latest Offer
NEWS FLASH Our Teamsters Skilled Trades contract expired June 30 but stays in effect while the Bargaining Team continues to negotiate. Report from the Bargaining Table Wages Our Union and the University remain far apart on wages. Our Bargaining Team is concerned about a fair and equitable increase for ALL

June 16 Bargaining Update
Speaking Up at the Bargaining Table! Angry about UCLA’s initial wage offer? You are not alone! Our Skilled Trades Bargaining Team met with UCLA on Thursday, June 16, to demand fair and equitable wage increases. Members from Housing and Facilities Management joined our team and delivered a strong message to

June 9 Bargaining Update
UCLA presented a full and complete proposal – economics and non-economics – on Wednesday, June 8. UCLA’s economic proposal makes movement but with the cost of gas, food, and housing, our Teamsters 2010 Bargaining Team is fighting for the dignity and respect our members and their families deserve. We are

We’re Still Waiting!
Lea este artículo en Español aquí. Waiting for an Economic Proposal Including Wages, Overtime, Death Benefits, Parking, Insurance and Retirement Benefits, Pay Differentials, Recognition & more! UCLA has proposed an increase of $10 per year for boot allowance and to pay for pre-approved required training and licenses to attain certification

May 16 Bargaining Update
Lea este artículo en Español aquí. Teamsters Speak Truth to Power UCLA Skilled Trades Bargaining Update Bargaining Team Member Luis Lemus spoke to the UC Board of Regents last week on behalf of Skilled Trades workers! “My name is Luis Lemus. I am a Facilities Mechanic at UCLA Facilities Management