In light of school closures throughout the state, Teamsters Local 2010 has reiterated its demand that the University of California provide Paid Administrative Leave to parents affected by school or day care closure. The current University policy is that employees who need to stay home due to school closures may work from home where feasible, and, if not, may use available paid leave balances. However, current policy does not provide for administrative leave even if leave balances are exhausted. On Friday, our Union called on UC to change this unfair policy immediately. We will keep you posted on UC’s response.
In the meantime, if you need to take leave due to school closures, or other health and safety concerns due to the coronavirus, you should notify your supervisor promptly, and let your Union Representative know immediately if the request is not granted.
TeleWork Flexible Work Schedules
As outlined in the UCOP guidelines, employees should be allowed to telework from home when possible. If you have been verbally denied remote work, formally make the request in writing and notify your Union Rep. You may also request an adjusted schedule. For example, a four-day, 10 hours per day work week or other schedule so that different members of a working family can cobble together childcare arrangements.
UCOP guidelines state: “Employees unable to come to work due to a COVID-19 day care or school closure that requires them to be home with their child may work remotely if operationally feasible; if remote work is not operationally feasible, employees may use available leave balances including sick leave.” Click to read entire Novel Coronavirus Paid Leave and Remote Work Provisions.
State Unemployment Reimbursement
If an employee runs out of leave accruals, they may be eligible for unemployment reimbursement. Apply directly to the California Employment Development Department (EDD).
According to the state EDD office, workers may qualify for unemployment benefits if their child’s school shuts down and they have to miss work to care for that child who is not ill.
EDD representatives will determine eligibility on a case-by-case basis through a phone interview. For example, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits if your employer has temporarily allowed you to work less than full-time hours due to your childcare situation. In such case, you may be eligible for reduced benefits based on the amount of your weekly earnings, as long as you meet all other eligibility requirements. The EDD will contact you and your employer for information to determine your eligibility.
To file a claim
Catastrophic Leave
For workers who have exhausted all paid leave and are not eligible for unemployment pay, you may request donations of Catastrophic Leave, which is where co-workers are asked to donate vacation hours on behalf of impacted employees.
Teamsters Local 2010 leadership, staff and stewards continue to work with the UC on an hour-by-hour basis. Please rest assured we are working diligently behind the scenes to make sure worker health, safety, and pay are as secure as possible.
Click here to read Teamsters Local 2010’s demands to the UC.