Nominees for CSU Teamsters Bargaining Team!

Information on Nominees to Represent CSU Fullerton, CSU San Marcos and CSU San Diego

In 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, Calvin Mason, Electrician from CSU San Diego was duly elected by skilled trades members to represent Bargaining Team-3 at contract negotiations. Bargaining Team-3 included the CSU Campuses of Fullerton, San Diego, and San Marco.

Calvin Mason retired from CSU San Diego in 2021. This has left one bargaining team member vacancy on the Teamster South Bargaining Team-3.

Bargaining Team Nomination forms were sent to all Unit-6 Skilled Trades eligible Teamsters on August 4, 2021, with a deadline for completion on August 13, 2021. Teamsters 2010 received 3 completed nomination forms from the following Teamster 2010 Unit-6 skilled trades members:

All Teamsters Local 2010 Unit-6 members in good standing at CSU Fullerton, CSU San Marcos and CSU San Diego will be eligible to vote for one candidate in the Bargaining Team-3 election.

The Bargaining Team-3 election will be hosted by a website-based election service. Voting for the Bargaining Team-3 member will open on Tuesday, August 31, 2021, at 6:00am and the voting will close Thursday, September 2, 2021, at 6:00pm. Members will receive an email with details on how to vote electronically.

The three bargaining team nominees do not have access to your personal contact information from the union. Teamsters 2010 does not share personal contact information of its union members, so it will be up to you to contact anyone of the three bargaining team nominees at their work emails if you would like to consult them before voting begins.
