UCLA presented a full and complete proposal – economics and non-economics – on Wednesday, June 8. UCLA’s economic proposal makes movement but with the cost of gas, food, and housing, our Teamsters 2010 Bargaining Team is fighting for the dignity and respect our members and their families deserve.
We are demanding fair and equitable raises for all!
Whereas they addressed a small portion of equity increases for some classifications, increasing some existing differentials while adding a weekend differential, our Bargaining Team stands together to make sure no job classification is left behind.
Notable Omissions
- Hero Pay – Missing is monies from the American Rescue plan – UCLA received millions but failed to offer recognition of everything that on-site UCLA K4 members have done to keep our institution moving forward during a challenging academic year.
- Out of Classification Work – UCLA was radio silent on addressing ongoing issues of working out of class. Dead silence
We have endured almost two and a half years of a pandemic which has left over a million dead, including an electrician who caught the virus at work.
We came to work while others worked from home, placing ourselves and our families at higher risk.
Note: Our Bargaining Team has not reached agreement on these articles.
UCLA has countered Teamsters’ 5-year contract proposal of 12.5%, 10%, 8%, 7% and 7%
With a 3-year contract proposal 4.5%, 3% and 3%
UCLA proposed equity raises for:
2022 and 2023
Flooring Installers (5%), Irrigation Mechanics (4%), Elevator Mechanics (3%)
Carpenters 4.5%, Painters 4.5%.
Our Bargaining Team will counter in our next proposal with a proposal that provides equity for specific job classifications as well as a fair wage increase for all.
Article 14 – Overtime
UCLA accepted our proposal for double time after 12 hours of work and that the meal allowance increase to $20. They refused to move on increases to compensatory time.
It ain’t over until, well … it’s over.
Article 15 – Pay Differentials
UCLA has countered our shift differential proposal with percentage increases flat rate increases of Swing Shift – $2.50, Nights – $3. A percentage increase takes wages into consideration and does not decline over time.
Hazard Pay – UCLA has proposed hazard increases of $2.50 (Article 15, B1) and $3 an hour (Article 15, B2) but refused to address new types of hazard pay. Our Union is looking for consistency among departments and codification of all practices into the contract.
Weekends Differential – UCLA has proposed a flat rate weekend differential instead of a percentage which will provide extra compensation to those workers assigned to weekend work.
UCLA is still considering a differential specific to those who work in hospitals in recognition of the training they require and the hazards they face. The Union continues to address other differentials as well.
New Classifications
UCLA has agreed to accept and/or is proposing the following classifications:
Automation Engineer, Building Automation Control Technician, Building Operating Engineer, Building Operating Engineer (Instrument Control Tech), High Voltage Electrician (and Lead), Maintenance Mechanic (and Lead), Sprinkler Fitter.
Our Bargaining Team will continue to address concerns over the classification specification.
Stay Tuned! Our Team meets with UCLA again next Thursday!
If you have questions about a bargaining proposal, a meeting, or a picket line, talk with a steward or Teamster representative. Get the facts from a source!