During our last bargaining session on August 21, the CSU failed to provide another salary article proposal in response to our last Union proposal, despite having several weeks to prepare. Our Union team insisted that the University come prepared with a salary proposal to our next bargaining session on September 5-6, and CSU indicated they intend to do so.
Nevertheless, our Teamsters bargaining team made further progress toward reaching a successor contract. We reached agreement with CSU on multiple non-economic articles and passed several counter-proposals across the table to the CSU.
The Teamsters also secured a side letter agreement with the CSU that allows the CSU locations that currently provide compensatory time off (CTO) as compensation for overtime to continue doing so through October 1, 2023. This is significant because without this agreement, campuses that currently provide CTO could not continue to provide it given the expiration of our contract at the end of June. This agreement allows our members to continue accruing CTO at locations that allow it particularly during the busy move-in season.

Speaking of campus move-ins, at CSU campuses across the state, our members have been uniting with our brothers and sisters in other CSU unions to hold powerful actions informing new and returning students and their families of the challenges CSU workers face.
As August comes to a close, our attention turns to the September CSU Board of Trustees meeting, where we, along the CSU coalition of unions, will continue to make our voices heard and let the CSU we won’t stop until we get fair pay for our essential work.