Teamsters to Hold ULP Strike Nov. 14!

Our Teamsters Local 2010 Unit 6 Bargaining Team has called a one-day unfair labor practice strike at California State University on Nov. 14, 2023. 

The team made this decision after months of CSU’s numerous unfair labor practices and failure to bargain in good faith with the Teamsters, and after the parties failed to reach agreement in our mediation on Oct. 31. CSU continues to treat skilled trades Teamsters unfairly, continuing their inadequate wage proposals and their insulting insistence on taking away emergency pay and In-Range Progressions 

The CSU has refused to bargain in good faith and has committed numerous unfair labor practices in their attempts to get Teamsters members to accept a contract that does not take into account skyrocketing inflation and fails to pay us fairly for the essential work we do for the CSU campuses and community.

The Teamsters call on all CSU Unit 6 workers to join the picket line at your campus on the day of the strike. The Union will run picket lines at all campuses and the Office of the Chancellor. Your Union Representative and/or Steward will inform you of the time and location for picket duty.

Our Teamsters Bargaining Team will hold a Strike Preparation Meeting for all CSU Members via Zoom to discuss all the details of our strike. The Zoom Meeting will be held at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023. All members are strongly encouraged to participate in this important meeting. If you are not a full member, you may sign up to become a member by clicking here.

Strike Preparation Membership Meeting

Wednesday, Nov. 8

6:00 PM on Zoom

“CSU workers are fed up with the University’s unfair labor practices and refusal to show real appreciation for our hard work and sacrifice that has made the University successful. CSU can afford to be fair with workers, and Teamsters are standing together and ready to take effective strike action to make CSU bargain in good faith for the fair contract we deserve!”

Our Teamsters Bargaining Team. From left to right: Tanya Akel, Jose Fuentes, Carlos Sanchez, Ernesto Torres, Matt Mason, Chris Rooney, Drew Scott, Jason Rabinowitz, Aaron Flores, Alex Vermie. Not pictured: Michael Sherritt.

By striking, we will demonstrate the strength of our solidarity, because our work makes the CSU work. We will powerfully protest CSU’s unfair practices and mistreatment of workers and the stagnant wages and lack of salary steps that have affected CSU staff for almost 30 years. The CSU’s bad faith bargaining and insulting and substandard wage proposals show that they do not care that dedicated workers are underpaid, understaffed, and unsupported.

Our contract expired in June 2023, meaning we are no longer constrained by our no-strike provision. Our strike is legal and a protected action under California law. You cannot be disciplined, fired, or replaced at work for participating. You are not paid for the time you are on strike, however, all members who complete picket duty will receive a Teamster Strike Benefit of $100.
