CX Unit – ART. 32: Resignation/Job Abandonment



1. Employees who voluntarily separate from employment with the University, other than retirement, are considered to have resigned their employment with the University.

2. Upon the employee’s submission of a written notice of resignation there shall be no withdrawal or rescinding of the resignation except by the written mutual agreement of the University and the employee.

3. In the event an employee provides an oral notice of resignation, s/he may rescind such notice within two scheduled workdays following the oral notice. If such oral notice is not rescinded within the two (2) work – day limit, there shall be no withdrawal or rescission of her/his resignation except by the written mutual agreement of the University and the employee.

4. With the exception of retirement, the final paycheck (including earnings to date, overtime, compensatory time and vacation hours) shall be paid to the employee in a timely manner, not to exceed ten (10) calendar days.

5. Retirement compensation shall be provided pursuant to retirement plan regulations.


Failure to report to work as scheduled for five (5) consecutive workdays may be treated by the University as an employee’s job abandonment resulting in her/his resignation:

1. In the case of job abandonment, the University shall provide the employee and the Union with written notification of its intent to separate her/him. This notification shall include the reasons for the separation, the employee’s right to respond to the University within fourteen (14) calendar days, and a Proof of Service. The notification sh all be sent to the employee’s last known mailing address.

2. The employee shall have fourteen (14) calendar days from the mailing of such notice to respond to the University prior to her/his separation. The response may, at the option of the employee, be in writing or may be a meeting with a designated University official. The official must have the authority to effectively recommend reinstatement of the employee.

3. Following the employee’s timely response, or if no response was provided within fourteen (14) calendar days, the decision of the designated University official is not subject to the grievance and/or arbitration provision of this Agreement.
