Our annual across-the-board raise, guaranteed by our Teamsters contract, takes effect on July 1! This raise will be reflected in the paycheck dated July 19 for biweekly workers and August 1 for monthly workers.
All CX workers will receive a 4.6% across the board raise, and all non-probationary career workers who aren’t topped out of their salary range will receive an average step raise of 2.2%, regardless of merit or performance evaluations! Non-probationary career employees who are topped out of their salary range will receive a non-base-building lump sum equivalent to the difference between the top two steps of their salary range. Plus, employees who have reached 20 years of University service between July 2, 2022 and July 1, 2023, will receive a $1,000 lump sum longevity payment in the first full biweekly pay period of July.
Thank you for standing together with our CX Bargaining Team and fellow members as we fought for essential pay for essential UC workers last year! Because of the “me too” clause in our Teamsters contract, our across-the-board raises increased this year to match the raises provided to unrepresented workers.
Please feel free to contact your Union Representative with any questions or concerns.