Tentative Agreement Reached for Teamsters PN2s!

With the support of our members and after 10 formal bargaining sessions over seven months, our Patient Navigator Bargaining Team has reached a Tentative Agreement (TA) with the University of California (UC) that includes leave conversions, incentive plan bargaining, step placement retroactive to July 2022, and new shift differential pay.

Our Bargaining Team recommends that all members vote “YES” to ratify the agreement.

"As a member of the Teamsters PN wage Bargaining Team, the bargaining process was grueling but very informative. I learned so much about the union and all that it stands for: the people! I was glad to be able to hold a seat at the table and speak on behalf of all Patient Navigators to obtain fair wages for us and future Patient Navigators."


  • Pay step structure including initial step placement retroactive to June 26, 2022.
  • Workers will be placed on the step closest to, but not less than, their current pay.
  • Employees at 80% or more of vacation leave maximums will be cashed out when converting from paid time off (PTO).
  • Shift differential pay implementation and lump sum payments for eligible workers.
  • Incentive plan bargaining rights for workers who were unilaterally removed from bonus programs as a result of bargaining unit placement.


The summary of the Tentative Agreement above is in addition to previously agreed to wages and bonuses ratified by Teamsters members in October 2022 – including the 6% raise and $3,000 lump sum payment we already received for 2022. Patient Navigator 2 workers will now also receive:

  • July 1, 2023: 4.6% ATB + Step (average 2.2%) = approx. 6.8%
  • July 1, 2024: 3% ATB + Step (average 2.2% ) = approx. 5.2%
  • July 1, 2025: 3% ATB + Step (average 2.2%) = approx. 5.2%

Steps are guaranteed regardless of evaluation. Those at top of their pay range will receive a lump sum in lieu of step.

Electronic ballots to ratify this agreement will be sent via email using Election Buddy on June 30, 2023.  You must be a member to vote on this tentative agreement. Be sure to add invitations@mail.electionbuddy.com to your contact list to ensure proper delivery of your ballot.
