Join the CSU Town Hall on Dec. 19

On the heels of our successful strike Nov. 14 statewide, and with CFA at four campuses last week, our Unit 6 Bargaining Team is gearing up for “fact-finding” with a neutral arbitrator hired by the California Public Employment Relations Board on Dec. 21.

Fact-finding is when an arbitrator looks at both sides of a labor dispute and writes a report that includes recommendations on how the parties could settle the dispute. The Factfinder’s Report is advisory to the CSU Board of Trustees and is non-binding, but can be helpful in assisting the parties to reach agreement.

Our Teamsters Bargaining Team will hold an informational Town Hall on Zoom at 6:00 PM on Dec. 19 to debrief members on our recent strikes and discuss what’s coming next. We showed the CSU our Teamsters power statewide like never before and stood in solidarity with the faculty in a powerful coalition. We will talk about what worked and what we can expect during and after the upcoming fact-finding process.

We will also talk about potential strategy if fact-finding does not push the CSU to pay us what we deserve.

CSU Unit 6 Membership Town Hall

Tuesday, Dec. 19
6:00 PM on Zoom

Register for the meeting here >>
