No Contract, No School!
In coalition with the 29,000 Faculty members of California Faculty Association (CFA), our Teamsters Local 2010 Unit 6 Bargaining Team has called a systemwide CSU strike at the start of the spring term, from Jan. 22 to 26.
Skilled Trades workers at all 22 Teamsters-represented campuses plus the Office of the Chancellor will withhold our valuable work and picket every CSU location in order to send CSU the strongest possible message: Workers are fed up with CSU’s unfair practices and we are ready to shut down CSU to win the fair treatment and fair contract we deserve! No Contract, No School!
Despite the critical work we do to keep the University safe and maintained, CSU continues to treat workers unfairly. CSU ignores our demands for respect on the job and a real salary step system to resolve the decades of wage stagnation affecting CSU Teamsters, just like they ignore Faculty demands for better pay, adequate parental leave, workload support, and health and safety rights.
Join our CSU Unit 6 Town Hall tonight at 6:00 PM on Zoom for the latest information on our upcoming strike!
Instead of listening to the needs of their workers, CSU commits continuous unfair labor practices, including bargaining in bad faith, interfering with workers’ rights to engage in Union activities, and threatening retaliation for participating in a strike action.
Our Teamsters Bargaining Team is engaging in fact-finding with CSU and a state-appointed arbitrator for three days this week and CFA will be in negotiations with CSU Jan. 8 through 12. CSU has one last chance to do the right thing and step up for workers. Otherwise, they’ll strike out and we’ll see them on the picket lines.
It is critical to the success of our contract fight that every Teamsters member honor our strike and join the picket line at their campus. We will show the CSU the strength of our Union and our alliance with Faculty, and that we will remain united until the CSU bargains in good faith for the fair contracts we deserve. Since we are not currently bound by a Union contract, our strike is legal and management cannot retaliate against any workers for participating.
Strikers who complete picket duty will receive Teamsters strike benefits of a minimum $500 for the five days of the strike.