Following a year of tough bargaining and months of incredible displays of our Union power, our member-elected Bargaining Team has secured a historic Tentative Agreement (TA) with the CSU that restores our salary step system after nearly thirty years, among a multitude of other benefits! This agreement is an incredible win for CSU Teamsters and our Teamsters Bargaining Team unanimously recommends that every Teamster vote YES on this TA.
Voting will be held in-person at all Unit 6 campuses and the Office of the Chancellor in the coming weeks. Only members of our Union will be able to vote. Membership applications will be available at every voting meeting for those who wish to become Teamsters members and vote on the contract. Membership applications are also available online now.
Anyone who is unable to attend their campus’ vote should contact their Union Rep as soon as possible to request an electronic ballot.
Highlights of our win:
- Immediate 5% General Salary Increase retroactive to July 1, 2023
- Establishment of Salary Step System for first time in decades, with step placement Oct. 2024.
- Every member receives a minimum two-step increase in October 2024
- 84% of members reach target salary step by October 2024
- All members reach target salary step by July 2025
- Step increases not contingent on satisfactory evaluation
- Pension and medical benefits maintained
- Emergency Pay saved
- Contracting Out protections saved
- October 2024 increases not contingent on state budget increase
Welcome back, Salary Steps!
Under our new Tentative Agreement, all Teamsters will be placed on a salary step system that is guaranteed to get them to their target step (equivalent to your years of service in your current classification) by July 2025. This salary step system will provide members an average 16% salary increase over the life of our contract, with some members receiving less (the vast majority no lower than 12%) or more (over 20% in some cases!) in salary increases depending on their current position in their salary range. Through our contract fight, we achieved our goal of getting every member to their target step, while also guaranteeing substantial guaranteed raises for all.
Some examples of the new salary system:
A Carpenter hired in 2014 with a current salary of $79,098 (above their target step of $78,332) will make:
- $83,503 in Year 1 of our agreement
- $86,486 in Year 2 of our agreement
- $89,098 in Year 3 of our agreement
For a total compound increase of 12.6% by July 1, 2025.
A Plumber hired in 2015 with a current salary of $73,812 (below their target step of $86,012) will make:
- $77,503 in Year 1 of our agreement
- $84,325 in Year 2 of our agreement
- $88,609 in Year 3 of our agreement
For a total compound increase of 20.0% by July 1, 2025.
Step raises are not contingent on performance evaluations or on additional increases to the CSU’s state funding beyond what has already been promised in the Governor’s CSU Compact. Any Teamster who reaches or has reached the top of their salary scale will not receive additional step raises. Any reclassification or in-range progression since May 2023 are not included but will be updated before implementation. Recently reclassified workers who could be impacted by the “years of service in classification” language should contact their Union Steward or Union Representative right away so that you can apply for an exception.

Just as it was critical for members to turn out and stand united during the contract campaign, it is important to again show our strength and unity to the University by voting YES on our new contract in large numbers. When we stand together and fight as Teamsters, we win!