California Unions are hard at work in Sacramento this year, fighting for new laws to protect and empower workers! From protecting public sector strikes to banning union-busting captive-audience meetings, Local 2010 and our fellow Unions are working with legislative allies to expand workers’ rights across California.
Here’s just few of this year’s workers’ rights bills, supported by the California Teamsters Public Affairs Council (CTPAC) or the California Labor Federation, that will benefit Local 2010 Teamsters:
- AB 2404, introduced by Assemblymember Alex Lee, will establish and protect the rights of public employees to honor a picket line if the bill is passed. No retaliation of any kind would be allowed against UC or CSU employees who stand with their striking colleagues! This bill was introduced last year as AB 504 and was vetoed by Governor Newsom.
- SB 399,introduced by State Senator Aisha Wahab, would effectively ban captive audience speeches, striking a huge blow to union-busting employers.
- SB 1116,introduced by State Senator Anthony Portantino, will help workers make ends meet and protect them from going into debt by making workers who are on strike eligible for Unemployment Insurance benefits (UI). This bill was introduced last year as SB 799 and was vetoed by Governor Newsom.
- SB 1220,introduced by State Senator Monique Limon, will protect jobs and Californians in need by prohibiting state and local agencies from contracting out public service and public benefits call centers to firms that utilize artificial intelligence instead of California workers.

Our California Teamsters PAC is committed to protecting our communities from Big Tech’s overreaches, including the dangerous driverless vehicles being tested in San Francisco and Los Angeles right now. The CTPAC is sponsoring the following three bills, called the CARS package, in order to safeguard our neighborhoods from this dangerously unregulated technology:
- AB 2286 would require a human safety operator in all trucks over 10,000 lbs. This bill was introduced last year as AB 316.
- SB 915 would empower cities and counties to regulate autonomous vehicles (AVs) on the local level, including determining what number of AVs on the streets is best for each city.
AB 3061 would require AV companies to provide the California DMV with all of the data they currently provide to federal regulators, ensuring data transparency.
"Unions fight hard to create economic equality and stability and build worker power. We do so by supporting and electing labor-friendly candidates and supporting legislation that protects workers. What we negotiate at the bargaining table is strengthened by the legislation we pass in Sacramento."
Ali Tweini, Local 2010 Political Coordinator
This legislation is just the beginning. Read about the rest of this year’s Teamsters-sponsored bills here, and check out all of the Labor Federation’s priority bills here! We won’t stop until we’ve won a fair economy for every California worker!