KM Unit – ART. 2: Classifications and Reclassifications

                                       ARTICLE 2 – CLASSIFICATIONS AND RECLASSIFICATIONS

A. Classifications

1. The term “classification” shall refer to the job title and title codes listed in Article 1, Recognition.

 2. Bargaining unit employees’ level and scope of assigned duties shall be documented in their job descriptions which shall be established and classified by the University. If an employee’s duties and responsibilities undergo significant changes, the affected position(s) may be reviewed as described hereafter in this Article.

3. The University and the Union agree that employees should be assigned work consistent with the employee’s job description.

B. Request for Classification Review

     A. An employee may request a review of the classification of theirposition to Campus Human Resources in accordance with the Campus Reclassification Procedures. The review shall be based
on the employee’s job description as approved by the supervisor. Campus Human Resources shall provide a response to the request within ninety (90) days after receiving the submission.

     B. The University’s Compensation unit will determine whether to reclassify the employee’s position by evaluating the core functions and duties of the position and comparing them to predefined job families, classifications specifications, and comparable positions within the organization and/or external to
the organization. Factors that may be considered include, but are not limited to, the scope of responsibility, skills and competencies required to perform the position.

The classification review process will include all of the following:

     a. a review of the incumbent’s prior job description;

     b. a review of a revised updated job description; and

     c. a review of the organizational chart;

The classification review process may also include any of the following as necessary:

d. a review of any supplemental information;

     e. survey interviews with the incumbent, supervisor
and/or manager; or subject matter experts;

     f. a review of a position questionnaire or survey;

     g. a desk audit

3. If the employee is not satisfied with the results of the initial decision, they have fifteen (15) calendar days to request a secondary and final review by the Chief, Human Resources Officer, or designee. Such requests shall include a detailed statement by the employee indicating the reasons for
disagreement with the original decision. The Chief Human Resources Officer’s or designee’s decision will be final.
