Teamster bargaining teams have been busy lately winning raises for Skilled Trades workers at UC Irvine and Clerical workers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). We also kicked off full contract bargaining for our Skilled Trades employees at UC Merced and the CSU system. Here’s a brief summary of the latest developments:
UC Irvine Skilled Trades Unit
After four sessions, our team of Skilled Trades Stewards and Local 2010 staff reached agreement June 19 with the University on equity increases to bring our trades workers’ pay more in line with the market rate for their trade. The agreement set a minimum cost of living increase for all trades and allocated additional equity increases for trades that lagged behind their respective market rate. During full contract bargaining in 2020, UC Irvine bargaining unit members need to stand together to address pay, classification, and other workplace issues at UC Irvine.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Workers Approve Raises
On May 30, our Bargaining Team reached agreement with Lab management on guaranteed, 3 percent across-the board increases for our LBNL Teamsters for 2019 and 2020, along with agreement to negotiate raises only for 2021. Our members voted June 24-28 to accept the tentative agreement, unanimously! Going forward, we will continue to fight for fair pay and treatment at LBNL.
UC Merced Skilled Trades Unit
Our UC Merced Bargaining Team began bargaining June 6-7 for a successor contract with the University. We started strong by reaching tentative agreement with the University on more than a dozen articles with minor or no changes and handing across the table to management comprehensive proposals on eight additional articles. Following the second set of bargaining dates on June 19-20, we reached tentative agreement on 20 articles and had 14 proposals awaiting University response. The next bargaining dates are scheduled for July 11-12 and 18-19. Be on the lookout for further bargaining updates and notice of potential member action needed as we move forward.
CSU Skilled Trades Unit
On June 25, our elected CSU bargaining team met to go over strategy and prepare for the upcoming full contract bargaining for our CSU Skilled Trades Teamsters. The team discussed our forthcoming survey to determine our members’ bargaining priorities, strategy for the contract campaign, and figure out dates for proposal meetings across the CSU system. These proposal meetings will be forums for our CSU Teamsters to raise and discuss issues that could be addressed as part of the contract bargaining.