ARTICLE 8. Overtime
A. Definition
Overtime is defined as hours assigned and worked which exceed 8 hours in a work day or 40 hours in a work week.
B. Assignment of Overtime
It is the University’s right to determine if overtime is required and which employees shall be assigned to work hours beyond the normal work schedule. If the University determines that overtime is required, employees assigned to work overtime shall be required to work and complete the overtime assignment. The University will take into account employee preferences when assigning overtime. The University will attempt to distribute overtime assignments evenly among employees in the skilled craft unit.
C. Compensation
In accordance with the following paragraphs, overtime shall be compensated at the appropriate rate either by pay or by compensatory time off, if the department offers compensatory time off for its skilled crafts employees. Employees shall be compensated for assigned overtime at the rate of one-and-one-half (1-1/2) times the employee’s regular rate of pay for all time actually worked over 8 hours in one day or 40 hours in one work week. In addition, time spent off work on approved vacation, holidays, compensatory time off, jury duty, or witness leave, shall be considered time worked for the purpose of this Article only. Any hours on “On-Call” status, “Call Out,” or on sick leave shall not be considered time worked for purposes of this Article.
1. Compensatory Time
a. The University may approve compensatory time off at the appropriate rate in lieu of overtime pay at the employee’s request.
b. An employee’s request to take accrued compensatory time off shall be granted subject to the operational needs of the University in accordance with departmental needs.
c. No more than one hundred-sixty (160) hours of overtime which require compensation at the time-and-one-half rate (that is, two hundred-forty (240) hours of compensatory time off) may be accumulated at any one time. An employee shall be paid for hours of premium overtime which exceed this limit.
d. When compensatory time is taken or paid, it is paid at the employee’s current rate of pay. However, upon separation from employment, compensatory time off accrued at the time-and-one-half rate shall be paid at the employee’s current rate of pay or at the employee’s average rate of pay for the last three years, whichever is higher.
e. Any accrued compensatory time off shall be paid to the employee when the employee leaves the bargaining unit, but remains employed by the University.
f. An employee may, within 1 month of their hire and thereafter on an annual basis, file a written indication of preference for either compensatory time off or payment for overtime worked. If the department does not offer compensatory time off or if an employee does not elect compensatory time off, overtime shall be paid. If no preference is indicated to the department at the time of such annual preference elections, the employee’s previous election, if any, shall continue.
D. There shall be no pyramiding or double payments for any hours worked.
E. Overtime Meals
When an employee is required to extend their regularly assigned shift more than three hours, and that period extends past the employee’s regular meal time, they will be paid for the cost of that meal provided that no compensation for any meal will be made by the University without presentation by the employee of a receipt showing money spent. Maximum allowances are $20.00 for dinner and $19.75 for lunch. An employee who has been called in to work overtime or works planned overtime is not entitled to be paid for a meal even though this overtime requires their to work past a regular meal time.