ARTICLE 9. Performance Evaluation
A. The performance of each non-probationary career employee shall be evaluated annually in accordance with a process established by the University.
- If the University plans to implement a new performance evaluation form, the University will notify Teamsters Local 2010 at least 60 calendar days in advance of implementation. If Teamsters Local 2010 provides a written request to meet and discuss within 30 days of the notice date, the University shall meet and discuss with Teamsters Local 2010 regarding the change. Minor or non-substantive changes to an existing performance evaluation form do not require advance notice.
- Completion of a self-evaluation is voluntary.
- The employee’s supervisor will meet with the employee prior to finalizing the performance evaluation. The employee will be provided at least five (5) working days following receipt of the performance evaluation to submit comments, if any, to the supervisor for inclusion in the evaluation. The employee’s evaluation will be filed in the employee’s personnel file with a copy provided to the employee.
- An employee shall have the right to provide a written rebuttal to their performance evaluation and to have that rebuttal attached to the performance evaluation. The employee’s rebuttal will be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
B. If an employee does not receive an annual evaluation of performance, they may request in writing that an evaluation be done. Upon request, an annual performance evaluation shall be provided within thirty (30) calendar days. If not provided, the employee shall be deemed to have performed satisfactorily.
C. A non-probationary career employee who receives a written performance evaluation with an overall rating of less–than-satisfactory may file a grievance pursuant to Article 23, Grievance Procedure. The remedy for such a grievance shall be limited to revision of the overall rating in question.
D. Disputes arising from this Article are excluded from the Arbitration procedures in this Agreement.