25.1 Eligible employees and eligible family members as defined by CalPERS shall continue to receive health benefits offered through the CalPERS system for the life of the agreement. Payment for these benefits shall be based on rates established by the CalPERS for participating members. The employer contribution shall be based on the current formula as provided in Government Code Section 22871. The employer contribution based on the current formula provided in Government Code 22871 shall be supplemented as follows:
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25.2 All bargaining unit employees who contribute toward health benefits pursuant to provision 25.1 shall be entitled to participate in the CSU Health Premium Conversion Program. The terms of this program shall be determined by the CSU. All administrative costs for participation shall be paid by participating employees.
25.3 For the duration of this agreement the dental benefits provided by CSU through the insurer(s) selected by CSU for its indemnity and prepaid dental plans shall be offered to eligible employees and eligible family members as defined in provisions 25.7 and 25.8. The Employer’s contribution to such plans shall equal one hundred (100) percent of the basic monthly premium. The level of benefits shall be the CSU Enhanced Level II Indemnity Dental Plan and the Enhanced Prepaid Dental Plan.
25.4 Eligible employees and eligible family members as defined in provisions 25.7 and 25.8 shall be entitled to receive vision care benefits. Such benefits shall be provided by the CSU through carriers selected by the CSU. The CSU hereby agrees the Employer’s contribution shall equal one hundred (100) percent of the basic monthly premium.
25.5 All bargaining unit employees shall be entitled to participate in the CSU Dependent Care Reimbursement Program. The terms of this program shall be determined by the CSU and IRS regulations. All administrative costs for participation shall be paid by participating employees.
25.6 Eligible bargaining unit employees shall be entitled to participate in the CSU Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA) Plan. The terms of this plan shall be determined by CSU and IRS regulations. All administrative costs for participation shall be paid by participating employees.
25.7 The term “eligible employee(s)” as used in this Article shall mean an employee or employees who are appointed half-time or more for more than six (6) months. Those excluded from CSU benefit plans include Limited Hourly employees or any employee paid wholly from funds not controlled by the CSU or from revolving or similar funds from which a regular State share payment of the insurance premium cannot be made.
25.8 The term “eligible family members” as used in this Article shall mean the eligible employee’s legal spouse and unmarried children from birth to the end of the month in which the dependent children reach age twenty-six (26). An adopted child, stepchild, illegitimate child recognized by the parent, or a child living with the employee in a parent-child relationship who is economically dependent upon the employee is also eligible. A family member who is a disabled child over age twenty-six (26) may also be enrolled if, at the time of initial enrollment of the employee, satisfactory evidence of such disability is presented to the carrier, consistent with the carrier’s requirements. Upon attaining age twenty-six (26), a disabled child who is already enrolled may be continued in enrollment if satisfactory evidence of that disability is filed with the carrier in accordance with the carrier’s criteria.
The parties agree to extend health, dental and vision benefits to domestic partners, as defined pursuant to Section 297 et. seq of the Family Code, Section 22867 et. seq. of the Government Code and Section 1261 of the Health and Safety Code, of benefit eligible employees in the bargaining unit. The parties further agree that the registration of domestic partners of benefit eligible employees, and all other procedures and conditions required to receive health benefits as currently set forth in CalPERS Circular Letter 200- 189-04, shall also apply to the receipt of dental and vision benefits. If said CalPERS regulations are revised, Circular Letter 200-189-04 as amended will control the implementation of health, dental and vision benefits for the domestic partners of benefit eligible employees.
25.9 No provision contained in this Article shall be implemented unless and until the amount required therefore is appropriated by the Legislature and made available to the CSU for expenditures for such purposes.
25.10 Full-time employees shall have access to campus recreational facilities unless the President has determined that such access interferes with the authorized use of the facilities. A fee equal to the CSU costs may be charged. The use of campus recreational facilities by employees shall be wholly voluntary and shall not be considered as time worked.
25.11 An employee wishing to park at any CSU facility shall pay the CSU parking fee. The CSU shall provide for payroll deductions for this purpose upon written authorization by the employee. The CSU will meet and discuss with the Union before implementing any parking fee increases which are implemented at any campus during the life of this Agreement.
25.12 Eligible bargaining unit employees shall be entitled to participate in the CSU Pre-tax Parking Fee Deduction Plan. The implementation and terms of this plan shall be determined by the CSU.
25.13 Employee expenses incurred as a result of travel on official CSU business shall be reimbursed in accordance with the rates established by the CSU, except that the parties must meet and confer on any CSU proposal to decrease such reimbursement allowances. The CSU shall provide the Union with the current travel rates.
Part-Time Employees’ Retirement Plan
25.14 Part-time and temporary and employees who do not otherwise participate in the California Public Employees’ Retirement System will be included in the California Department of Human Resources’ Part-Time/Seasonal/Temporary Retirement Plan (PST), a FICA-Safe Harbor Plan, in accordance with the regulations under Section 3121(b) (7) (f) of the Internal Revenue Code. The total cost of the Plan will be paid by participating employees in the form of a seven and one-half (7.5) percent pretax reduction, in accordance with Section 414(h) of the Internal Revenue Code, from a participating employee’s covered wages each pay period. The total cost for participation in the plan will be borne by the employee.
25.15 All employees eligible for either health insurance pursuant to provisions 25.1 of the Agreement, or dental insurance pursuant to provisions 25.3 of the Agreement, shall be entitled to waive health and/or dental insurance in exchange for the following monthly payments:
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In order to participate, each employee will be required to request participation and certify that he/she has alternate non-CSU insurance for the CSU insurance being waived. The terms of this program shall be determined by the CSU. All administrative costs for participation shall be paid by the participating employees.
25.16 All members of the bargaining unit shall be eligible to participate in the 403(b) program in accordance with regulations and procedures as established by the California State University and in accordance with IRS regulations.
25.17 The CSU shall attempt to assist employees’ voluntary efforts to correct job performance problems by endeavoring to provide a referral service to employees concerning drug, alcohol, or personal problems. The CSU shall continue to provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) at each campus. An employee undergoing alcohol, drug, or mental health treatment, upon approval, may use accrued sick leave, CTO and/or vacation for such a purpose.
25.18 Bargaining unit employees hired on or after July 1, 2018 and become members of CalPERS on or after July 1, 2018 shall receive the full portion of the CSU contribution payable for health benefits upon retirement at age 52 with at least 10 years of service credit. In addition, bargaining unit employees meeting these requirements shall be eligible for the full portion of the CSU contribution payable for basic dental plan. To the extent that a change in legislation is required to implement this provision, Teamsters Local 2010 agrees to support the legislative changes necessary to give effect to this agreement.