Localwide Union News

Teamsters ratify powerful new CX contract!

After almost a year of bargaining, member actions, and worker organizing, CX Teamsters have ratified our strongest-ever Union contract! Approximately 5,000 UC Teamsters voted over the past three weeks and 98.3% said YES! This overwhelming majority is

Teamsters Local 2010 Condemns Racism in All Forms

Teamsters Local 2010 condemns the racist, anti-black, anti-indigenous comments made during a conversation involving several members of the Los Angeles City Council and a top leader of the Los Angeles

Show your support for Library Professionals!

We need to show up Teamsters strong for our new brothers and sisters, UC Library Professionals 3 and 4! Library Professionals joined our Union earlier this year and are in talks right

This Labor Day, we’re on the rise.

Sisters and Brothers, This Labor Day, we have a lot to celebrate—as workers, as Teamsters, and as Americans united for an economy that’s fair for everyone. Since Labor Day 2021,